Government Digital & Data -
Reference number
£53,560 - £63,481
全国:53,560 - 60,118英镑,伦敦:57,026 - 63,481英镑
A Civil Service Pension 雇主供款为28.97%
Job grade
Grade 7
Contract type
Business area
DBT - CMRR -竞争,市场和监管改革战略
Type of role
Working pattern
Birmingham, London
About the job
Job summary
About OPSS
你是否关心产品的安全,想要保护人和地方? 我们能否利用你的技能、知识和经验,使英国商业蓬勃发展? 如果答案是肯定的,那么我们想听听你的意见!
我们是产品安全和标准办公室(OPSS),隶属于商务部 & Trade. 我们在这里的目的是让监管发挥作用,产生现实世界的影响. 监管是政府解决市场失灵的有力工具, 影响行为,促进积极的行动. 精心设计和执行得当的监管可以促进增长、创新和效率.
Since early 2018 we have been building a positive and creative team that enjoys a position of influence and respect within an organisation that continues to grow.
我们的主要目的是保护人们和地方免受与产品相关的伤害, 确保消费者和企业可以放心地买卖产品
更多信息请访问我们的网站 here.
我们在公平和公开竞争的基础上择优招聘, 如公务员制度委员会的招聘原则所述. 我们拥抱多样性,促进机会平等. 我们致力于建立一个代表各种背景的团队, 观点和技能. There is a guaranteed interview scheme (DCS) for people with disabilities who meet the minimum selection criteria.
We are Inclusive
我们完全致力于成为一个包容的雇主,并确保机会平等. 我们希望使我们的员工尽可能多样化 and recognise how important inclusivity is to achieve the best outcomes. 我们希望吸引所有代表性不足的群体的申请.
We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation if required to participate in the job application or interview process, 履行重要的工作职能, 并获得其他就业福利和特权. 请全球最大的博彩平台要求住宿.
Job description
About the team
我们是OPSS数字, 数据和技术(DDaT)团队, 我们建立了专注于产品安全和监管的数字服务. Our digital services are ultimately responsible for protecting people and places from product related harm.
Our team is a mixture of civil servants and contractors that collaborate in agile service teams working on user centred designs.
We have an exciting portfolio of services that have internal and external users with further services in our pipeline for future development.
这是一个激动人心的时刻来到OPSS dat. 作为商业和贸易部的一个快速发展的领域, we’re raising compliance standards across the board and making a real-world impact on millions of lives nationwide.
This is a senior leadership role for experienced product managers who will have the opportunity to develop and grow in the profession.
OPSS在伯明翰、伦敦和特丁顿设有办事处. 该职位可在伯明翰或伦敦办公室工作. 有时需要前往我们的其他站点.
About the role
作为OPSS dat的产品经理, you will help define, 解释和重复一个对你的用户有吸引力的产品愿景, team and stakeholders. 你将为多学科团队规划工作, 帮助构建和交付令人兴奋的产品路线图.
这是一个展示你的产品所有权技能和经验的绝佳机会. You will provide product manager mentoring and support a range of product management techniques across the team. You will have the opportunity to experience digital services at different stages of the product development lifecycle. 作为一名高级产品经理,你将负责管理产品待办事项列表, 成为用户需求的拥护者,并做出数据驱动的决策.
At OPSS DDaT, you will be part of a rapidly growing community of senior product managers working on a range of digital products and services. 和其他队员一起, 您将在服务开发生命周期中帮助领导OPSS同事.
We'll also help to further develop you by providing training and experience of working on services throughout the product lifecycle. You'll learn skills and techniques that will help you to lead large and complex service teams and deliver results.
我们灵活的工作政策确保了工作与生活的健康平衡. We also nurture talent and offer a broad range of learning and development opportunities that will help you flourish in your role.
We work hard to maintain a positive working culture and are committed to helping you fulfil your potential. 我们重视多样性,并提供开放的, 包容和支持的环境,帮助你做到最好的工作.
Key Responsibilities:
- Lead a multidisciplinary team whilst taking digital products through the service development life cycle (discovery, alpha, beta and live)
- Have a detailed understanding of digital and Agile ways of working and coach a multidisciplinary team in applying Agile practices
- 成为用户需求的拥护者,支持产品的迭代交付
- 开发和迭代一个吸引用户的产品愿景, team and stakeholders and provide strategic ownership of this vision throughout the product lifecycle
- Develop and maintain a high-level roadmap that helps users and stakeholders understand the direction and priorities of the service
- Make sure that users are heard throughout the delivery process and use their feedback to drive continuous improvement
- Set measurable goals for your product and report against these to demonstrate progress against stated benefits
- 表示服务以满足治理承诺
- 建立包容和协作的工作文化,倾听不同的观点
- Play an active role in the OPSS DDaT community of practice as well as the cross-government product manager community
你可以在这里找到更多全球最大的博彩平台我们对产品经理的期望: http://ddat-capability-framework.service.gov.uk/role/product-manager.
Person specification
Essential Criteria:
- Agile working: is aware of agile methodology and how to apply the agile mindset to all aspects of their work and coach their team in its application
- 生命周期角度来看: 了解产品交付的不同阶段,并能做出贡献, 计划或运行这些与实现产品的好处一致
- 运营管理: able to manage the operational process of designing and running a product or service throughout its entire life cycle. Understands the various roles across the digital community and can leverage these relationships
- Problem management: 理解并识别问题, analysing and helping to identify the appropriate solution and builds problem solving capability in others
- Product ownership: captures and translates user needs into deliverables by working across varied and complex business and user areas
- Strategic ownership: 关注结果,而不是解决方案. 是大胆的,并制定雄心勃勃的愿景和战略. 使组织和团队能够接受
- User focus: 了解用户,能够根据证据确定他们是谁,他们的需求是什么. 清楚显示通过各种渠道满足这些需要的进展
- DDaT perspective: knowledge of digital standards and an ability to implement solutions that are accessible for all
- Leadership
- 做出有效的决定
- Working Together
Technical skills
- Product ownership
加上你53英镑的薪水,560, 英国商务贸易部出资15英镑,516向你申请成为公务员固定收益退休金计划的成员. 你可在此了解公务员退休金的福利.
- 根据您的角色进行学习和发展
- 灵活的工作环境
- 鼓励包容和多元化的文化
- A Civil Service pension 雇主供款为28.97%
We recognise the challenges that people with (multiple) protected characteristics may experience on the job market and in their career progression. 我们完全致力于成为一个包容的雇主,并确保机会平等. 我们希望使我们的员工尽可能多样化, 我们希望能吸引那些代表性不足的群体的申请, 包括少数民族, 残疾人士, 以及具有不同性别身份的人.
这个空缺正在使用 成功配置文件(在新窗口中打开),并将评估你的行为、优势、经验和技术技能.
这个空缺的面试将以虚拟方式进行. 但是,我们将例外地考虑面对面面试.
Please ensure that you check your emails regularly as all updates from us will be sent to you this way.
申请这个职位, 作为在线申请的一部分,您将被要求填写以下内容:
- A CV 列出你的职业经历,包括主要职责和成就. 提供与基本标准相关的工作经历, 并且解释了过去两年内工作经历中的任何空白期. 简历不应超过2 × A4页.
- A Personal Statement of up to 500 words, 解释你如何看待自己的个人技能, qualities and experience provide evidence of your suitability for the role in reference to the essential criteria.
这种情况很可能会发生 1-2 weeks 在截止日期和面试之后 3-5 weeks 在截止日期之后,但这可能会有变化.
如果申请者人数众多,我们将在网站上进行初步筛选 Personal Statement. Candidates who pass the initial sift may be progressed to a full sift or progressed straight to assessment/interview.
作为面试的一部分,你将被要求提供一个 简短的口头陈述,详情将于面试前提供.
We are committed to supporting candidates so they can perform at their best throughout the recruitment process. 这包括对我们的流程进行合理的调整. 为了请求调整:
Complete the ‘Assistance required’ section on the ‘Additional requirements’ page of your application form to tell us what changes or help you might need further on in the recruitment process.
如果您在此广告的任何附件中遇到可访问性问题, 请在“申请人联系人”部分全球最大的博彩平台的电子邮件地址.